Get a glimpse into some of the things that NSLI-Y students have been doing during their time in Turkey.

Afs nsliy students dine with nsliy student hebers extended host family during visit to neighboring city of bafra ay 201314

NSLI-Y student Heber Cook’s extended host family treated the group to a meal and tour around the city during their trip to Bafra, the previous center of Roman trade. Samantha Hoffman said, "[Bafra] had a much more permanent feel than Samsun, with less construction everywhere and more old buildings

NSLI-Y students in Bursa, Turkey engaged in a service activity of planting trees alongside their host siblings with a project called Turkish-American Friendship Forest. The event received media attention and was said to signify strengthened ties between the two countries.

nsliy students planting trees as a part of their service project

During their trip in Çanakkale, students stopped by the city of Troy and got an impressive view from the site of Athena’s temple out over golden fields and sea. A ferry then took the students to the Gallipoli Peninsula to see several battle sites and monuments dedicated to the Turkish martyrs and heroes of WWI.

nsliy students standing in front of a giant wooden horse in troy