By Tyler, Jacob and Brad, NSLI-Y China, Academic Year 2015-2016, Beijing Program

image of the shanghai skyline, shows colorfully-lit buildings at night in front of water

"今年十一月份,北京市第八十中学国际部学生去江苏省旅行。我们班过了四天为了了解这个地方。我们去上海、杭州、苏州和乌镇。This November, the students of Beijing No. 80 school's language classes went to the Jiangsu Province of China. Our class spent four days there in order to better understand the area. We went to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuzhen, all located in what is known as the Yangtze Delta region.


Although all of these places left a deep impression on me, the deepest impression was from Shanghai. On that day, we all saw many interesting things, the most beautiful being the Shanghai Bund. Standing there, you can see all of the biggest and best buildings in Shanghai. The lights of Shanghai were also beautiful."

Tyler, NSLI-Y Beijing, Academic Year 2015-2016

image of a foggy hangzhou lake with mountains in the background

"我们旅行的时候去杭州。杭州可能是中国最美丽的地方。这张照片是在杭州西湖,那个城市特色的地方之一。在这张 照片上的地方叫三潭印月,英文The Three Pools Reflecting the Moon。中国人民币1元背面为杭州三潭印月。We went to Hangzhou on our NSLI-Y Service Learning trip. It is one of the most beautiful places in China. This picture is a picture of West Lake, one of Hangzhou's main attractions. The three statues in this picture are called San Tan Yin Yue, or in English, “The Three Pools Reflecting the Moon."

除了西湖之外,我们也去西溪湿地。西溪湿地有 好多小商店,能买到杭州特色的食物,比如臭豆腐。

Aside from West Lake, we also went to Xi Xi Shi Di, a famous wetland in Hangzhou. Inside this wetland there were lots of small shops, some of which sold Hangzhou's specialty food, like Stinky Tofu."

Jacob, NSLI-Y Beijing, Academic Year 2015-2016

Xixi wetlands park; image shows groups of brown buildings connected by a bridge in the midst of watery surroundings

"我很高兴有这个机会再次去乌镇!我对乌镇特别有感情。这个地方让我有很深的感触,并让我想到去年夏天在乌镇的NSLI-Y 的经 历。不过,这次去那个地方旅行 也是非常好玩的!导游带了同学们去 乌镇的一些有意思和历史悠久的地方。我们走了新的路,新的乌镇。 为了了解中国的历史和文化,去这样的地方是一件必须的事。比如,去 乌镇可以让我们多了解中国传统的生活方式。Our group also had the opportunity to visit Wuzhen, a very special place for me, as I had been on a previous NSLI-Y summer program. Seeing all of those familiar places made me very nostalgic as it made me think of my experiences in Wuzhen last year during my NSLI-Y summer program. However, going there this time was also great fun! Our tour guide led us through Wuzhen's interesting and historical areas. I experienced new roads, and a new Wuzhen. In order to understand China's history and culture, visiting places like this are a must. For instance, this trip helped me understand more about China's traditional way of life."

Brad, NSLI-Y Beijing, Academic Year 2015-2016

brad in shanghai jumping in front of a needle-shaped building