The Global Education Conference is an annual free, week-long online event bringing together educators, students and innovators from around the world. The conference seeks to present ideas, examples, and projects all related to international education and global competency. This year, the virtual conference event was held 24/7 from November 13-16, 2016.

NSLI-Y and YES Abroad alumni, as well as the NSLI-Y Taiwan Resident Director, presented at the Global Education Conference on their exchange and language learning experiences. See below to view the recordings from their sessions:

Host Family Experiences in Study Abroad

Presenters: Alexi (NSLI-Y Korean AY 2015-2016); Erica (NSLI-Y Hindi Summer 2016)

In this session, presenters share stories and tips from their host family experiences. The session explores similarities and differences of host family experiences around the world, the value of living with a host family in a new culture and language, and how to be a successful exchange student living with a host family.

Click here to view the recording.

Sharing International Exchange Through Multimedia

Presenters: Elaine (NSLI-Y Korean AY 2014-2015); Mallory (YES Abroad Indonesia 2013-2014); Eric (NSLI-Y Arabic Summer 2015)

In this session, alumni from the YES Abroad and NSLI-Y programs share examples of multimedia that they created to capture their experiences while studying abroad in Morocco, Indonesia, and Korea. Viewers will not only get insight into the YES Abroad and NSLI-Y exchange programs, but will also learn about how to use videos and other multimedia to share experiential learning with a wider audience.

Click here to view the recording.

Living Language: Supporting Adolescent Learners in Immersion Environments

Presenter: Kripa (NSLI-Y Resident Director, Taiwan AY 2016-2017)

As the world becomes more connected, more and more young people are seizing the opportunity to experience living in a different country or learning a different language. While the concept of language immersion has been very successful for adults, how do the challenges of living in language fit into the challenges of growing up in today's society? How does cultural competency play a part in a student's formative years? This session explores the relationship between language learning and social development among middle school and high school students both at home and abroad.

Click here to view the recording.